Friday, July 4, 2014

Miniature 凤爪(chicken feet) vs 蛋塔 (egg tart)

Do you like 凤爪  chicken feet? Everyone eat 凤爪 in my family except me. I dare not eat them . But I still can custom made them as every time I take a very close look at them when my family order them at a dim sum restaurant .

My handmade miniature clay 凤爪 &  蛋塔 

As the colour (the sauce) is dark so the mini chicken fee (less than 5 cm)  cannot really seen so clearly.  

Miniature chicken feet ( 凤爪)

Miniature egg tart.
 They look cute inside a steamer, usually I place them on a small plate

This 凤爪  is very small,  the plate's size is about a 20 cent coin

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