Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Handmade Miniature Milo Tin

I crafted this miniature Milo tin because I just want to try and see how it looks like.  I  use a very simple and easy way to make this . We can also improve and do better next time if the first one does not look good or perfect. But  if you do not start right now, you will never know how things work and you will never improve too!

 Everybody has a creative potential and from the moment you can express this creative potential, you can start changing the world.    --------   Paulo Coelho

Everyone can be creative in many different ways, so fellow your heart and just do it!

My handmade miniature Milo tin and hot /cold  Milo drinks 

My printer is not that good so the printing of MILO and colours are not very sharp . 

My first try of making a  Miniature Milo tin .  The milo paper a bit dirty!! will be better next time

Miniature Milo tin

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