Monday, August 27, 2012

Miniature Dollhouse - My study room

Everyone has their own dream houses and I think that's the  reason why so many people like to play the games related making dream houses/buildings/cities. I love playing this types of computer games too.

For those dollhouse lovers, I have designed this basic dollhouse making course for them. Use without any clay to build their home sweet home.  This course is for age 12 and above, all are welcome, from nothing , together we create a beautiful, sweet and lovely house.

Hope you like this miniature dollhouse I have just created.

A very basic simple dollhouse for all dollhouse beginner .

My handmade basic dollhouse: Miniature study room
Compare to my other miniature dollhouses, this is  a very very simple and easy dollhouse. 
After finishing the whole room, I really love it so much , it looks pretty good in real.

                From the side view. I love this dollhouse so much and I will keep it. To all my dear students
                drop by my classroom and take a look.

That's my finger to show you how big is this handmade dollhouse.

You can add on your favourite items to this dollhouse, let me know your ideas and I will help you to fulfill.  

Friday, August 24, 2012

Miniature sushi set

One of the basic lesson is learn how to make miniature sushi.

      The miniature box of sushi behind was made by SW and the mini size sushi was made by me.

      The picture show how small my mini clay sushi. Student will make the size of the egg sushi next to it.


My student SW made the box of miniature sushi on right. Below show her master pieces.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Miniature Clay House (Paper Clay)

I love  different types of art craft, such as  sewing, paper cutting, clay sculpture , drawing, knitting ,etc. So beside making miniature clay food, I also love to make  miniature dollhouses.

  I used paper clay to make these miniature clay house since last week, but this really takes time to create you own sweet dream house. I wanted to put them on a small hill but  I have no time to do that, I will keep it for next time.

                  My handmade miniature clay house using paper clay.

                   Three miniature clay houses stand quietly on my dirty table.

                                                Plant some flowers at the balcony

       I want to make the surface of the clay house as rough as possible that's why doesn't look good in
      photo. But if you see the real house , I think you will like it.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Miniature BreadTalk

Making miniature bread is one of my favourite items.  I do not need any bread recipes and I can just shape them out instantly. If you want your miniature items to look real and more defined , time and hard work are needed.  I usually spend double of my time to make a more defined miniature item.

Learn how to make miniature bread in intermediate level.

I made the miniature basket to fit all these miniature clay breads. 

 This mini bread bun is  cute

                 This cute little croissant bread is made of clay and I spend quite some time to make the skin
                 surface to look rough and burnt.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Miniature hawker stall & mini Kitchen

I have shown these two miniature items in my earlier blog. But this time, as requested I made it even smaller. they look really cute in this size.

               Every part of this mini hawker stall is made out from my hands. I cut the wood, I made the clay
              food and I paint it too. The sense of  fulfillment is great.

                          As this miniature hawker stall is quite small, so I need to made or find something
                          that is the right size to use.

                     The miniature clay chicken, duck and pork are hang at the stall. A mini show case is place
                     at the left hand size and some clay noodles and food are made.

              This is my handmade ancient kitchen in smaller version. You can learn this when you reach the
              advance level at my miniature clay food courses.

                    From the top view, I made the miniature steamer too. Every thing is handmade by me
                   except the round chopping board (because it is round, I cannot cut round wood!)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Miniature Push Cart Cooking Stall

Recently I have made a few miniature cooking stalls. Below is one of them, miniature push cart cooking stall. I remember I saw this push cart cooking stall on the street when I was a little girl in Singapore.  As requested I have made this. This is the first one I made, I really really love it!

           This miniature handmade push cart cooking stall is about 11cm x 5cm

                       This is the other side of the miniature push cart. I pasted a chinese poster.

                     From the top view: I have made two miniature cooking pots.  I added fake oil into the
                      mini bottle.

                     I have made all the necessary miniature items for this miniature cooking stall.


I have also made some mini paper bags.

Without the four mini wheels , the push cart does not look really cute, so I decided to add on.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Miniature custom made Food

Because of my mistakes, all my photos on my blog have gone (get deleted) so I try my best to fill up the photos one by one. It takes some time to do that so please forgive me if you cannot see the photos that I haven't fill up.

Recently I have custom made some miniature clay food for a friend in Germany . Here are some of them. Although I have made these miniature food before, but this time is in a even smaller version. They look so lovely!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Miniature Hamburger Set Meal

Last week, SW and I have a wonderful time, together we made miniature hamburger set meal. This is one of the basic lesson.

          On the right hand size is done by SW and behind it is my handmade clay hamburger in a larger
          size, in front of the mini trays is also my handmade clay mini burger with  clay fries.

                   This is my miniature filet o fish meal set with miniature clay apple pie and
           miniature clay salad, mini drink and clay fries. Next to it is my miniature burger serve with fries

                      The miniature burger on the right is made of paper clay, color the burger you will
                        get a nice burger. The mini burger on the left is made of Japanese clay.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Miniature Dim Sum & Mini Take Away Food

Do you remember I did this in real/live size?  this time I made it into miniature size as requested.  

            These are the mini take away food, or (打包) The plastic box is about 2.5cm in length. I have
            made these before, as requested, I do it again. Let's  make some of your favourite food and put
           it inside. My favourite food is: roasted chicken rice

                           My handmade mini clay food: chicken drum stick & roasted chicken rice

                                     You can close the mini box too! really cute...

         These are my handmade clay food, please do not eat it! They are miniature food for display only!