On the last day of November 2014, I would like to share with you this: My miniature workshop at Rochester Mall yesterday afternoon. As Christmas is coming soon, the workshop was to teach children to make miniature Christmas tree with lots of miniature candy on top.
I had fun with these little angels and my assistants at Rochester Mall yesterday afternoon.

My two assistants helped me out at the event yesterday, so that I can take more pictures, thank you YL & PL for your great help.
I had fun with these little angels and my assistants at Rochester Mall yesterday afternoon.
Before the start of the miniature lesson, it was so quiet and peaceful. The kids' tables were so clean and neat.
three kids sharing a mini table so we can have more space
My two assistants helped me out at the event yesterday, so that I can take more pictures, thank you YL & PL for your great help.
concentrating on his art work....
Everyone is busy with their art work
She finished most of the art work by herself, well done, lishuan
"my handmade mini christmas tree...."
Sarah was the first one to come for lesson, sweet and quiet little girl.
with the help of their maid, Elisha & Jaron also finished their miniature christmas tree nicely.
Reagon and Megan , brother and sister.... holding their masterpiece: handmade miniature christmas tree with lots of miniature candy on top. Nice!
she is only 3, usually I do not accept students below 5 years old, but her father has accompanied her, so I let her join the class and she really enjoyed making the lollipop!
Happy with her miniature tree and candy , well done,
Brother and sister, Audrey 3 years old having great fun with her brother,Daryl.
wearing a butterfly costume . Sarah Otoma, a Japanese girl , the last kid to join the class but with the help of her mother, she did a very good art piece
Alexander , happy with his miniature christmas tree. Making a smart and handsome pose for me to take pictures, Thank you!
Thank you to all the children who joined the miniature class yesterday. Thanks for the great time, all the laughter and fun we had yesterday. Merry Christmas!